Create a Gesture Using Visapi on B&R HMI

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. I want to write about how to create a simple trick on VC4 Visualization HMI on B&R Automation Studio using Visapi Library. You can use version 3.0 until the latest version of Automation Studio, as long you using VC4 as the visualization. How if your HMI has a gesture like a smartphone nowadays have, will be cool right? To create a gesture, it's mean that you will play with your touch activities on the HMI display, so that's why I'm using Visapi. Visapi allows us to control the visualization application, include touch activities on the display. Visapi offers a function called VA_GetTouchAction to retrieve the location of the current touch position on the display, as well as the touch status, is it pressed or released. But, in the gesture we need a direction, not only pressed or released status. So, using Visapi, I record the position of our touch and calculate it when I release my finger from the display to get the direction. To u...